Kurikulum 2013: Soal UAS Bahasa Inggris SMA MA SMK

Soal UAS Bahasa Inggris SMA MA SMK

Soal UAS Bahasa Inggris adalah soal yang kami bagikan kali ini. Soal Ujian Akhir Semester tersebut terdiri dari 35 soal pilihan ganda dan 5 soal essay atau uraian.

Berikut penampakan sebagian soalnya:
Soal UAS Bahasa Inggris SMA MA SMK

In this part , you have to identify the underlined words or phrases that should be corrected.
31. Novi is my sister. She  is a good sister. She work in a hospital in Bandung.she usually goes to our home twice   in a month.my family is really proud to  her.
a. Is  b. Work  c. Goes  d. My  e. Her

32. My mother loves me . she gives me anything that I want. If I got a problem ,she always gives me advice. I really love him.
a. My  b. Me  c. She  d. I  e. Him  

33. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was an Austrian musician and composer. He lived from 1756 to 1791. He started composing at the age of five and he writed more than 600 pieces of music. He was only 35 years when he died.
a. Was b.lived  c. Started d. Writed e. died

34. Yesterday I saw  Irena  in town but she don’t see me.she was looking to the other way.
a. Saw b.  don’t c. See  d. was   e. looking

35. Indah wants to follow a swimming competition in our town so she practices swimming  every day.She believes if she does it continously. She haves a big chance to win the competition. 
a. Wants b. swimming c. Practices d. Does  e. haves


1. Choose the correct verbs to complete the dialogue below.
Maya     : (1) ______ (Do/Does) you go to school here?
Yulia     : No, I (2) ______ (don’t/doesn’t). I’m on vacation with my family.
Maya     : Really? (3) _______ (Do/Does) you like it?
yulia      : Yes, I (4) _______ (do/does) but my parents 
(5) __________  (don’t/doesn’t) 
May       : By the way, What (6) ________ (do/does) your parents do?

Yulia     : Well, my mother (7) _______ (manage/manages) a restaurant, and my
Father   (8)________ (work/works) for Pertamina.
Maya     : How interesting. And do your parents (9) _______ (speak/speaks) English?
Yulia     : Well, my mother (10) ______(do/does) but my father doesn’t.

2. Writing your main daily activities in a paragraph (minimize 5 sentences)!

3. Write a paragraph about your past activities(minimize 5 sentences)!

4. Make a simple procedural text based on your vocational skill !
5.  Its about guest handling, you have to make an expression based on the situations!
The situations are:
a. you offer the guest something to drink.
b. you want to know the guest’s name.

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Soal UAS Bahasa Inggris SMA MA SMK