Kurikulum 2013: UTS SD Bahasa Inggris Kelas 5

UTS SD Bahasa Inggris Kelas 5

Contoh soal UTS Bahasa Inggris untuk SD kelas 5

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Beberapa contoh soal di dalamnya:

Read the text carefully!

My BirthdayMy name in Sarah. My birthday is on august the ninth. Now I am eleven years old. My brother, Dean, is eight years old. His birthday is on April the fourth. On my birthday, my father usually gives me a birthday present. Sometimes on my birthday we go to the beach.

1. When is Sarah Birthday?
A. It is September the ninth
B. It is on April the fourth
C. It is August the ninth
D. It is August the fifth


9. Today is thursday. what day is tomorrow?
A.  tomorrow is wednesday
B.  tomorrow is friday
C.  tomorrow is saturday
D.  tomorrow is monday

10. What is the month before September?
A. It is November
B. It is October
C. It is December
D. It is August


13. What time does the bookstore open?

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